Planning:December 5th-20th: Interest Check goes outJanuary 2nd: Contributor Applications openJanuary 31st: Last day for sign-upsFebruary 8th: Emails and assignments sent out
Creation:April 3rd: 1st check-inMay 1st: 2nd check-in (LAST DAY TO DROP)June 5th: 3rd check-inJuly 10th: Final check-in
June 26th: Merch final due date (2 weeks before final check in)
September 1st - 30th: Pre-orders!
What is a zine?A zine is a collection of works collected within a book and independently published.
What is this zine about?Once Upon A Rainbow will be a collection of art and writing that take fairytales, folklore, myths and legends and puts an LGBT+ spin on them (or highlights lesser-known stories that were originally LGBT+ in nature). The exact contents of the zine (i.e. characters and stories involved) will be up to the creators.
What is the difference between a digital and physical zine?A digital zine is collected onto a PDF to read digitally, whilst a physical zine will be printed and sent out to buyers.
Will the contributors be paid for the zine?No. The zine is for charity meaning the profit made on the zine will be donated. The charity has yet to be voted on at this point of time. However, contributors will be given a free digital copy of the zine and, depending on the success of sale, may receive a free physical copy along with the opportunity to buy the zine and merch at production cost.
Will NSFW work be included on the zine?No, the zine is entirely safe for work. More guidelines for the content allowed in the zine is available in the guidelines and on the creator applications.
Will there be certain themes not allowed within the zine (e.g. dark fairy tales)?Zine content must adhere to the previously defined PG-13 rating. If you have a specific idea in mind that you have questions about, please do not hesitate to ask.
How old do you have to be to contribute?You must be aged 16+ to apply as a contributor.
What are the requirements for examples of work submitted in contributor applications?We ask to see three pieces of completed art for page and merch Artist applications. For writers we ask to see three pieces each within 1k words. Choose your examples based one what you believe best represents your style. Applicants are also given the opportunity to submit their portfolio.
Can contributors collaborate?Yes. You should specify this and who (if you know) you'd like to collab with. Both participants will have to be selected for the zine.
Can multiple contributors create work about the same fairy tale?Yes. However, one fairytale can be used by a maximum of two contributors, in order to allow for more variety.
Can contributors use regional fairytales?
Absolutely! We welcome a diverse range of fairytales from all over the world.
Can contributors include OCs in our work?Yes. You can also create your own fairytale if you wish.
Will the zine include fandom content?No. We will not be allowing fairy tale AUs for established fandoms.